torsdag 10. desember 2009

Nedbør og grader i løpet av et år, i Rio de Janeiro

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-I Rio de Janeiro kommer det i allt 1086 mm nedbør i året.

-I Rio de Janeiro kommer det i gjennomsnitt 90,5 mm nedbør i måneden.

-I Rio de Janeiro er gjennomsnitts temperaturen 19,9583333333.....

Naturressurser i Brasil

Jordbruk, industri og energi er de viktigste naturressursene i Brasil.
Jordbruket foregår i den sørlig og sørøstlige delen av brasil, og der dyrker de blandt annent deres viktigste produkt kaffe.
Brasil produserer ca. 40% av verdens produksjonen av kaffe og dyrker mest kaffe av alle land i hele verden. I gjennomsnitt jobber hver fjerde voksen med jordbruk i Brasil.
Brasil har en av verdens største utvinning av jernmalm, og de har også mangan- og kobbergruver der.
I landet har de også en god del vannkraft, og blandt annet verdens største vannkraftverk "Itaipu."Dette vannkraftverket gir strøm til 25% av Brasil og 90% av Paraguay og nord- Argentina.
De utvinner også olje fra oljefelt ved atlanterhavskysten og i Amazonas.
skogbruk er også veldig viktig for Brasil, de er bland verdens største når det gjelder tømmerhogst og trekull.

Christmas in Gramado

Christmas in Gramado

Rio de Janeiro is best known for it’s natural beauties, soccer and Carnival.
But in the state of Rio Grande there is a small city called Gramado. Gramado was established in 1875 and one of the biggest attractions there must be this Christmas party.

This eye- candy-event starts on 12th November, and the celebrating will continue all the way to January 17th. It may be the best Christmas party in Brazil. Some of this year’s other attraction’s are the Fantastic Christmas Factory, a musical, the Nativitaten, the grate Parade of Christmas, the Singing Tree, Encounter of Santa Clause’s, Tannenbaumfest, Christmas Village and many others that justify the long period of celebrations.

fredag 4. desember 2009


Historien om da jeg kom til Brasil

Jeg hadde sittet på flyet i femten timer.
Underveis hadde vi måtte bytte fly til et skrøpelig lite drittfly. Det hadde ristet hele veien og jeg hadde klart å søle kaffen ut over hele buksa mi, bare fordi en feit amerikaner absolutt skulle strekke seg etter potetgullet sitt akkurat da jeg hadde fått den glovarme kaffen ned på spiseplaten. Jeg brant etter å få reise meg, og da kapteinen fortalte at vi skulle lande om ti minutter føltes det som at ti tonn bare forsvant rolig av skuldrene mine.

Vi gikk av flyet. I tunnelen inn til flyplassen luktet det så stramt at det nesten ikke var til å overleve. Til tross for en grufull flyreise, var førsteinntrykket av Brasil helt fantastisk.
Gatene var fulle av tutende biler og det hang brasilianske flagg overalt. Kaka hadde nettopp scoret det avgjørende målet i VM- finalen mot Italia. Selv om jeg elsker fotball gledet jeg meg til å ligge på den varme, hvite stranda som strakte seg langs sjøen.

Jeg hadde nettopp kommet meg ut av byen, og jeg hørte nå at tutingen sakte men sikkert ble svakere og svakere, ettersom jeg kjørte lenger ut av byen. Det var da jeg så hotellet mitt ligge på et rolig og stille sted, like ved sjøen.

Det første jeg tenker på når hører ordet Brasil er lange, kritthvite strender som strekker seg langs sjøen og er fulle av store grønne palmer. Det er mange som spiller sandvolleyball og alt er helt fantastisk. Og det var akkurat sånn det var.

Etter at du har kommet deg ut av den fattige delen av byen som er bråkete og folksom, venter en herlig og avslappet liten småby full av strender og hoteller som bare ligger der å venter på deg.

English text about the culture in Brazil

Brazils culture

The Brazilian football League was founded in 1919, and the country became a member of FIFA in 1923. Brazil has participated in all the eighteen World Cup finals and won five of those.
They also won the Capa America and Confederations cup many times. Home ground of Brazil is called Maracana, which is located in Rio de Janeiro.

Dunga is the name of the Brazilian coach. Brazil’s shirts are mostly yellow.
Some of the best football players in Brazil’s team are named Ronaldhino and Kaka. Ronaldhino is a really good player and he is really famous. Kaka is also pretty famous. In 1960 Pele was playing on Brazil.

Pele has played 92 international games and he has scored 77 goals.He was one of the biggest football players on his time and many people looked up to him. Ronaldhino was also a big football player, and he was playing football in the twentieth century. (2000)

now i shall tell about the food in Brazil.

Brazilian is a big country, so is also wide variation in food habits, but every day the food is about the same. It consists of meat, chicken, rice, beans and faroa. It is not uncommon for is a banana on the dinner plate. You will get water or juice to drink.
The breakfast is small and consists of coffee and a kind of sweet cake or a slice of bread. Lunch is a little later than usual and is today the largest meal. Dinner varies from family to family, and sometimes you do not eat dinner at all.

It is easy to adapt to the Brazilian food since it is not spicy, or have many weird ingredients.
If you go to a restaurant you can try the Brazilian sun-dried meat, or one of the delicacies of the sea. Head over to a restaurant so called Churrascaria, and you will find that waiters walking around with freshly grilled meat of any kind. You will always be able to choose between beef, lamb, pork or chicken meat etc. There are huge buffets with accessories such as rice, salad etc.
Feijoada is a prayer pot that is eaten throughout the country. It consists of black beans, sausages, pig ears and pig’s feet. They may not sound so good but it is. As accessories you eat rice, farofa and orange boats.

Farinha you eat as accessories for almost everything. It is a maniokmel wich can be fried with eggs. It may also contain meat and bacon and it is then called farofa.
Try one of the many exotic fruit juices, served in Brazil!

onsdag 2. desember 2009

English text about the Amazons

The rainforest in the Amazons

A bit more than 60% of the rainforest in the Amazons is located in Brazil, and covers an area at about 5,7 billion square kilometers, that is equivalent to about 6% of the earth’s surface. The Amazons also almost equivalents half of the earth’s rainforests, and if the wood was a country of its own, it would be the ninth biggest in the world. But it probably would not continue being that big, because 40 to 50 square kilometers of the wood are ruined every year.

About 25 % of all medicine used in the west comes from this rainforest. But also food like orange, banana, tomato, corn, potato, chocolate and coffee comes from the same area. Other artifacts like things made of leather, furniture and jewelry are made of the“gold of the wood”, tropical wood and endangered species.

Nearly half of all the species of animals and plants in the world are located here, and lots of them only exists in the Amazons. Because of all the pollution in the world, this has become one of the world’s biggest environmental problems. This is a huge problem amongst the life of animals and plants there, in addition to 20% of the world’s greatest amount of fresh running water that exists in this rainforest. Unfortunately over 50 000 animal species are exterminated every year, but luckily there are still extremely amounts of species that are yet to be found, scientists mean.

Today, more than about 1000 square meters of the rainforest disappears every ninth second and more than 150 different living spices disappears every day. Only half of the remaining rainforest still remains, and as little as 5% of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil might be untouched in 20 years. The making of roads, dams and railway tracks might be the reason that nearly 95% of the vast rainforest disappears. Not only plants and animals are extinguished, more than 90 Indian societies has disappeared since the nineteenth century (1900)

There are still a lot of different animal species in the Amazons, and now I shall tell about them.

Brazil has very many species of animals. They have a thousand species of fish, for example meat eater piraja, and they also have a hundred of mammals. In Brazil there are about eight hundred types of butterflies. You can also find over five hundred species of different birds, like parrots and toucans.

The biggest mammals are pumas, jaguars and tapirs. Jaguars are in the cat family and are in family with lions, tigers and leopards.
There are many rodents in Brazil, and some of them are (flood svin) and golden rabbits. (Flood svines) is also called Kapivar, and it’s the biggest rodent. A (Flood svine) looks like a really big guinea pig or a big beaver and they likes to swim in floods and lakes.

In Brazil you can see some really terrifying snakes that really scare you. Example anacondas and boas. Some of these snakes can be really long. Many of these snakes live in Amazonas that is a really big and famous rainforest.
The monkeys live in Amazonas. They like to climb up in the trees and eat bananas. And remember, bananas are not only for monkeys!

Many of the animals in Amazonas are in danger of dying out. That’s because they hogs many trees there and the climate is therefore changing. Something’s that the animals can’t live with.
But remember that when you are in Brazil, you should take a safari trip and look at all these famous animals, and maybe you will see a dolphin.

Oversikt over temperatur og nedbør i Brasil, i uke 49

Dette er en oversikt over nedbør og temperatur i Brasil, som er målt mandag- fredag uke 49.

Link til oversikt over temperatur og vær i Brasil,
finner du her.
I løpet av disse 5 dagene, kom det 52 mm nedbør. I gjennomsnitt blir det 10,4 mm nedbør, hver av dagene.